If I had a Billion

1 U.S.A dollar banknotes

Today’s #bloganuary prompt is — If you had a billion US dollars, how would you spend it?

My answer is I probably wouldn’t buy anything tangible immediately. My goal would be to put it into an investment of some type and then live off the interest. Since that doesn’t sound like a lot of immediate gratification, my short bucket list would be:

  • Buy a couple of nice lenses for my camera
  • Travel the world
  • Buy a house on the water
  • Hire a developer to build me a WordPress block theme
  • Put 20 million in a trust fund for each of my children and grandchildren
  • Give a lot to charitable organizations or research groups

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ouf light signage

Please stop using words like utilize and trainings, they just sound ignorant.

Just some photos from our recent visit from Jade. The morning images Later in the day Time for Trick or Treat

A retro style camera has stolen my photographer's heart.